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Conference “Hybrid war against Ukraine and its role in the European security”
16 November 2017 13:23

On November 15, 2017, an international Conference on the current situation in Ukraine entitled "Hybrid war against Ukraine and its role in the European security" was held in Nicosia (Republic of Cyprus) with the presentation of short documentary films about Ukraine.

The key speakers on the Conference were Dr. Yevgen Rokicki, the President of the Baltic-Black Sea Security Confederation, Co-Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian Defense and Security Industry Association, and Associate Professor at the European Humanities University (Vilnius) and Mr. Roman Máca, the Kremlin Watch Center Analyst based in Prague, expert on media propaganda and disinformation. 

In his opening speech the Ambassador of Ukraine to the Republic of Cyprus Mr. Borys Humeniuk stressed on the importance of discussions of the issues connected to the hybrid war, which are becoming more significant and urgent during the last 3-4 years after beginning of direct military actions of the Russian Federation against the sovereign state Ukraine. He also noted the necessity to unveil true information about the current situation in Ukraine related to Russia's aggression and the need for implementation of effective actions aiming at leveling of the influence of Russian propaganda during the decision-making on important global issues.

Dr. Yevgen Rokicki focused on the role of Ukraine in the European security system in the context of hybrid confrontation, on Russia's growing military presence in the Crimea after occupation of the peninsula, and the situation in the East of Ukraine caused by Russian aggression.

Analyst Mr. Roman Máca highlighted the topic of the influence of hybrid propaganda on the political elites in the European countries. In particular, on the example of the Czech Republic, explained the influence of Russian propaganda on the political situation in the country, the formation of public opinion and attitude and understanding of the situation in Ukraine.

Fruitful discussion between the participants of the event was held after the speeches.

During the event the presentation of new International Visual Art Project “UKRAINE: TIDING OVER” was held. The project by Ukrainian and foreign photographers and documentalists G.Lavrynets, U.Velychko, O.Prokopenko, V. Kharchenko, L.Mytzyk, is dedicated to Ukraine that threads its way through complicated challenges, overcoming the temporary occupation of its territories in the South-East and hybrid warfare waged against its people. 

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