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  • Українською
Non-marriage certificate
29 June 2020 20:50

The applicant must sign the relevant APPLICATION at the Embassy of Ukraine and obtain a certificate of marital status.

List of required documents:

1. Personal presence, a valid passport of a citizen of Ukraine for travel abroad with a copy of its 1st page;

2. The original and a copy of the document confirming the residence permit in Cyprus, or a copy of the passport page of a citizen of Ukraine for travel abroad with a mark of crossing the border;

3. The original and a copy of the document (s) confirming the termination of the previous marriage;

4. Completed application form

The document is issued on the day of application (in Ukrainian and English) and is valid for no more than 3 months.

* Apostille is not affixed to documents issued by embassies and consulates (Part 2, Article 1 of the Hague Conference).

The consular fee is: 46 euros (18 - certificate of a signature on the marriage application, 28 -  certificate in English) - a receipt for payment is issued after verification of documents

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