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Cultural and humanitarian cooperation
16 June 2023 12:42

Cooperation in cultural sphere between Ukraine and Cyprus is based on an Agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus on Cooperation in the Field of Culture, dated 25.06.2010, which allows to develop the cooperation between musical, theatrical and other arts institutions and associations in the field of culture and arts, and also provides for the participation of representatives of both countries in international competitions, festivals, conferences, symposiums and seminars, and the conduction of joint cultural events, arts and books exhibitions, festivals arts, contests, etc.

Bilateral cooperation in the field of sports is regulated by the Agreement between the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine and the Cyprus Sports Organization on cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports of November 8, 2012, which allows developing interaction at the level of state sports administrations and national federations in various sports and professional sports clubs

At the beginning of 2022, the humanitarian direction of cooperation between the countries has significantly intensified, including the Government of the Republic of Cyprus organized a collection of financial and humanitarian assistance in support of Ukraine in the fight against the Russian aggressor, created proper conditions for the stay of temporarily displaced Ukrainians on the island, their employment, access to education, medical services, rehabilitation, etc.

Ukrainian-Cypriot cooperation in the field of education and science is based on the Intergovernmental Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Higher Education of June 12, 2017.

An important component of Ukrainian-Cypriot cooperation in this area is cooperation between higher educational institutions of the two countries, within the framework of which students, teaching staff are exchanged, courses, seminars and symposia are organized and conducted, information and research results are exchanged. In addition, it provides for the implementation of joint projects, research, the creation of joint training programs, etc. This cooperation takes place on the basis of the following bilateral documents:

  • Memorandum for cooperation between Odessa State Economic University and the College of Tourism and Hotel Management of the Republic of Cyprus (May 4, 2007);
  • Memorandum for cooperation between the Mariupol State University of Humanities and the College of Tourism and Hotel Management of the Republic of Cyprus (July 5, 2007);
  • Memorandum for cooperation between Mariupol State University of Humanities and the University of Nicosia (April 12, 2010);
  • Memorandum on cooperation between National University "Odessa Law Academy" and the University of Nicosia (November 25, 2010);
  • Memorandum for cooperation between Odessa I.Mechnikov National University and the University of Nicosia (February 15, 2011);
  • Memorandum of understanding on academic cooperation between the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University and European University of Cyprus (June 6, 2012);
  • Memorandum of understanding between Donetsk National Technical University and the Cyprus Institute (November 8, 2012);
  • Memorandum of understanding between Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and the University of Nicosia (October 17, 2013);
  • Memorandum on cooperation between the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University and the European University Cyprus, Nicosia (May 26, 2017);
  • Memorandum of understanding for Academic Collaboration between the Odesa National Polytechnic University and the European University Cyprus in Nicosia (January 07, 2020);
  • Memorandum of understanding on cooperation between Hennadii Udovenko Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and School of Law of the University of Nicosia (February 4, 2020)
  • Memorandum of understanding between the National University "Odessa Marine Academy" and the Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute (February 1, 2021)
  • Agreement on cooperation between Kharkiv National University. V.N.Karazin and the University of Cyprus (14.09.2021).

Ukrainian community in Cyprus

In January 2022, Ukrainian community in the Republic of Cyprus has been estimated approximately 4,000 people and consisted of Ukrainian women who married Cypriot citizens, labor migrants, Ukrainian families who changed their place of residence. After February 24, 2022, due to the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, more than 26 thousand Ukrainians arrived on the island, of which almost 18 thousand people received temporary protection.

On March 23, 2017, the Ukrainian community established the Association "Ukrainian-Cypriot Friendship Society" (hereinafter - Association), which is the first and the only one officially registered community of foreign Ukrainians in Cyprus. The head of the non-governmental and non-profit public association since 2019 is Tatiana Ioannu.

The Association promotes Ukrainian culture, language, history and traditions in the Republic of Cyprus, contributes to improving the image of Ukraine, constantly draws the attention of the international community to the war against Ukraine, as well as conducts active volunteer activities, organizes events to collect humanitarian aid for Ukraine, provides comprehensive assistance to Ukrainians who were forced to move to the Republic of Cyprus because of the war against Ukraine.

With the support of the Embassy, in October 2019, the Association established a club for the study of the Ukrainian language, literature, culture, history and traditions in Limassol, which in 2020 was renamed the Ukrainian Creative Studio, and in October 2020 - the Ukrainian Saturday School in Nicosia. After February 2022, the Association in Nicosia opened an educational and cultural club for adults "Palyanytsia".

Volunteer activists have created a number of Ukrainian volunteer cultural and educational centers, including the Ukrainian House and Film Workshop in Paphos, the educational space "Wings" in Limassol, the cultural space "Obiimy" in Larnaca, as well as the charitable organization "Deeds4kids", which organizes and conducts free art courses, including with the aim of psychological support for Ukrainian children, in six European countries.

The Ukrainian Plast movement also developed. In September 2022, with the assistance of the Embassy, the second Plast Club for Children and Youth was opened at the Association in Nicosia (the first in 2020 in Limassol).

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