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Сertificate for return to Ukraine
04 March 2021 10:22

The Certificate for return to Ukraine is an identity document that confirms the citizenship of Ukraine who can enter Ukraine. It is issued by foreign diplomatic missions of Ukraine. This document only gives the right to return to Ukraine (not travel)

The Certificate is issued in the case of:

1) loss or theft of an identity document confirming the citizenship of Ukraine and / or giving the right to leave Ukraine and enter Ukraine;

2) when the validity of the identity document confirming the citizenship of Ukraine and giving the right to leave Ukraine and enter Ukraine has expired;

3) when it is established that the identity document confirms the citizenship of Ukraine and gives the right to leave Ukraine and enter Ukraine, is invalid for other reasons;

4) when a citizen of Ukraine has not drawn up identity documents confirming the citizenship of Ukraine and / or giving the right to leave Ukraine and enter Ukraine.

In order to get the Certificate for return to Ukraine:

1.  Application form ( .doc , 80.38 Кб )

2. Consent to Personal Data Processing ( .doc , 35.84 Кб )

3. Police report that the passport was lost or theft

4. 2 color photos 4,5x3.5 cm;

5. An identity document confirming the citizenship of Ukraine (a copy of Ukrainian passport, driver’s license, etc.)

               4.1. A document certifying the identity and confirming the status of a stateless person who has the right to permanent residence in Ukraine (if any), or a document of a foreigner or stateless person recognized as refugees in Ukraine or persons in need of additional protection, who identifies and / or gives the right to leave Ukraine and enter Ukraine;

               4.2. Birth certificate of a child, Certificate of registration of a person as a citizen of Ukraine (in case of birth abroad)

5. Consular fee is 28 euro.

Documents issued by the competent authorities of Cyprus shoul be Apostile with a notarized translation into Ukrainian.

The Certificate for return to Ukraine is issued for 30 days.

The Certificate for return to Ukraine is issued personally to the applicant or his legal representative.

The competent authority of Cyprus shall submit the following documents to the Embassy:

1) Official letter for issuance of a Certificate

2) A decision on readmission, or a decision on forced deportation in Ukraine

3) Application form ( .doc , 80.38 Кб ) and Consent to Personal Data Processing ( .doc , 35.84 Кб ) - printed and signed by the citizenship of Ukraine 

4) An identity document confirming the citizenship of Ukraine (a copy of Ukrainian passport, driver’s license etc.)

5) Two color photographs 3.5 x 4.5 centimeters

The Certificate for return to Ukraine is issued for 30 days.

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