After the proclamation of the Independence on August 24, 1991, Ukraine hasstarted a newphase in its history. Proclamation of Independence of Ukraine was the result ofthe national and state building progress of the Ukrainian people, the incarnation oftheir the eternal dream of freedom and independence.
The day of the establishment of the country as an independent and sovereign statebecame a new chapter in the national historical chronicle. The foundations for further legal development of the nation, democracy, social market economy and human rights were laid by maintaining peaceful and mutually beneficial cooperation with all members of the international community, according to generally accepted principles and norms of international law.
The new state has entered the international arena. A strategic course towards European integration has been chosen in foreign policy of Ukraine. In the bilateral sphere Ukraine is building strategic partnerships with key foreign partners on the principles of reciprocity and pragmatism, developing a network of the long-term partnership with the states that become new centers of political and economic development.
Ukraine has presented itself as a responsible international partner. The decision on the implementation of the policy of non-participation in the military alliances became an important element in creation of a favorable security environment. Ukraine shows an example of nuclear disarmament, having voluntarily abandoned the third largest arsenal in the world of nuclear weapons, participating actively in the elaboration and conclusion ofthe effective international treaties concerning the guarantees of the non-nuclear weapons enhances, promoting the nuclear non-proliferation regime that contributes to the overall stability and security in the world.
A period of active establishment of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and the other countries has begun after August 1991. On December 27, 1991 the Republic of Cyprushas recognized the independent Ukraine by the Government's decision. On February 19, 1992 a protocol on establishment of the diplomatic relations between Ukraine and the Republic of Cyprus has been signed in New York.
As to the Ukrainian–Cyprus relations it is necessarily to note that spiritual kinship of Ukrainian and Cyprian nations, their sincerity, hospitality, diligence bring together our countries and promote development of relations in many spheres. Today bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and the Republic of Cyprus develops dynamicaly. The dynamism of political dialogue on the highest level, intensification of interparliamentary dialogue, deepening commercial cooperation, enhancing legal basis of bilateral cooperation are evident. The information which this brochure contains is an evidence of the above mentioned.
The official visit of H.E. the President of the Republic of Cyprus Mr. Demetris Christofias to Ukraine on July 3-5, 2011 was significant historical event of paramount political importance. The main political outcome of the visit was increasing bilateral relations to the highest level of political dialogue and partnership. As well as the official visit of H.E. the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine Mr. Volodymyr Lytvyn to the Republic of Cyprus on December 14-16, 2011 was also significant milestone in the context of interparliamentary cooperation. It is necessary to note also the working visit to Cyprus of H.E. the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Mr. Kostyantyn Gryshchenko on October 12-13, 2011 and his meeting with the President of the Republic of Cyprus and the Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Proceeding from analysis of current bilateral cooperation it is necessary to note the increase of mutual interest and existent potential of the both nations to expand and intensify cooperation, that open prospects for further development of cooperation between our countries in all spheres.
The Republic of Cyprus is an important partner for Ukraine, in particular within the European Union, as well as in the Mediterranean region. On the other hand, Ukraine is also an important partner for Cyprus in political aspects, as well as in economic and commercial prospect. And the establishment of the Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Ukraine on July 4, 2011 was an evidence of the above mentioned. Strategy of the both countries aimed at diversification of foreign economic ties and extension of foreign markets opens prospects for further development of external economic bilateral cooperation.
Suming up the Ukrainian-Cyprus cooperation we can quite objectively state that thanks to joint efforts of the both parties, their political will, activity of many structures bilateral relations became more active and have been enhanced to the qualitatively new level.
Present potential of the Ukrainian-Cyprus relations is a background for optimistic assessment of prospects of further development these relations and catalyzer of their dinamization.